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VETWork  – Digital Culture for the 21st Century Vocational Education


Duration: 1st Sep 2020 – 31st May 2023

Title: Digital Culture for the 21st Century Vocational Education
Acronym: VETWork
Project ID: 2020-1-HU01-KA202-078760
Program: Erasmus + KA2, Strategic partnership
Target group: VET teachers, trainers, managers
Beneficiaries: VET students
Partner countries: Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania
Duration: 1st Sep 2020 – 31st May 2023
Contact: PROMPT-H Information Technology Educational, Trade and Service Ltd

The aim of the VETWork project (Digital Culture for the 21st Century Vocational Education – 2020-1-HU01-KA202-078760) is to develop a new training and intervention model, which is closely linked to the following sector-specific priorities in the field of vocational education and training:

•    Introducing systematic approaches to, and opportunities for, the initial and continuous professional development of VET teachers, trainers and mentors in both school and work-based settings (including apprenticeships), as well as through the development of effective digital, open and innovative education and pedagogies, as well as practical tools; raising the attractiveness of the professions for VET teachers, trainers, mentors and leaders.

•    Supporting the uptake of innovative approaches and digital technologies for teaching and learning, as outlined in the Digital Education Action Plan and in the Digital Competence Framework – DigComp 2.1, including the effective use of the SELFIE self-reflection tool to support a comprehensive approach to innovation, and the use of digital technologies for pedagogical, administrative, technical and organisational change.

The project aims to embed the traditional digital pedagogy teacher training program in a broader context by organizing customized school-based contact training sessions, linking it to organizational development components that enhance institutional digital competence and quality culture.


There are many teachers who are happy and enthusiastic about training courses that support their professional development. But when we ask educators one year after attending a course on digital pedagogy about the extent to which they could incorporate what they have learnt into their daily practice, the most optimist answer is 10-15%.


Recent research has come to the conclusion that the problem is complex – a technical device, even if it represents the most advanced digital technology, cannot solve anything in itself. An educator who, after a successful training, returns to the teachers’ room at school, equipped with some new digital skills and methodology, often finds her/himself in a vacuum.


  • Lack of monitoring the efficiency and integration of training courses
    Trainings in digital pedagogy and tools are widely available for in-service teachers, but most schools and educators enrol to them randomly and there is no follow-up, no organized feedback on utilization or integration.
  • Tension between digital challenges and the average age of educators
    Online trainings are common, which is beneficial due to their flexible timing. However, because of the average age of teachers, it would be important to “physically” show them how to use digital tools and applications.
  • Isolated pioneers – slow changes
    Educators who are open to change are often isolated. Changes are often slowed down by the lack of collaboration and knowledge sharing among teachers
  • Lack of institutional efforts to embed digital culture
    Visiting each other’s lessons, evaluating them and collecting feedback is not a common practice in schools.

Aims of the project

The aim of the project is to develop a new training and intervention model, which is closely linked to the following sector-specific priorities in the field of vocational education and training:

  • Introducing systematic approaches to, and opportunities for, the initial and continuous professional development of VET teachers, trainers and mentors in both school and work-based settings (including apprenticeships), as well as through the development of effective digital, open and innovative education and pedagogies, as well as practical tools; raising the attractiveness of the professions for VET teachers, trainers, mentors and leaders.
  • Supporting the uptake of innovative approaches and digital technologies for teaching and learning, as outlined in the Digital Education Action Plan, including the effective use of the SELFIE self-reflection tool to support a comprehensive approach to innovation, and the use of digital technologies for pedagogical, administrative, technical and organisational change.

The project aims to embed the traditional digital pedagogy teacher training program in a broader context by organizing customized school-based contact training sessions, linking it to organizational development components that enhance institutional digital competence and quality culture.


  • Institutional level intervention will begin with getting commitment from the management of partner schools. In each school, a management representative – so called “change agent” – will be selected to closely work on the project with a group of teachers.
  • Partner VET schools will perform an initial self-assessment on digital pedagogy at institutional and individual (teacher) level.
  • Groups of teachers will participate in an online learning experience on the Digital Menu Card platform, developed by the partnership.
  • Partner schools will create their own digital pedagogy strategy and will create related action plans, broken down to individual level.
  • On-the-job workshops will be organized for teachers, who can put their new skills into practice and develop digital learning content for their classes with assistance from facilitators.
  • Lessons will be delivered to students, using the newly developed materials and active learning methods.
  • Finally, based on the experiences, a Digital Pedagogy Training and Intervention Model will be created that can easily be applied by other educational institutions as well, to support institutional level changes and continuous improvement of teaching practices.

Intellectual outcomes

Five intellectual outcomes will be realized:

IO1: Toolkit for developing Digital Pedagogy Strategy in VET schools

IO2: Digital Menu Card – an online learning environment for VET teachers with micro-learning elements, mapped to competences defined by the DigCompEdu framework

IO3: Digital learning content developed at on-site workshops at partner VET schools

IO4: Case studies based on ICT-based creative classroom work

IO5: Digital Pedagogy Training and Intervention Model – an e-book compiling the experiences, the developed tools and the tested process for use by other educational institutions

Target groups

VET teachers, trainers and managers


VET students

Project meetings:

Kick-off Metting (M1): Online – Hungary, Gödöllő, 19 October 2020 (details here: , )

Partner Meeting (M2): Kosice – Slovakia 09-10 June 2022 (details here:, )

Partner Meeting (M3): Oradea – Romania 08-09 November 2022 (details here: link to the page when it is ready)

Partner Meeting (M4): Hungary, Budapest 17-18 April 2023.

Online consultations, meetings:

Online partner meeting 1. 22 June 2021 (details here:

Online partner meeting 2. 10 November 2021 (details here:

Online partner meeting 3. 11 April 2022 (details here:

International training:

C1 training – Online – Hungary, Gödöllő Prompt-H Ltd. office (2100 Gödöllő, Testvérvárosok útja 28.) 6-8 September 2021 (details here:, )


Multiplication events:

Multiplication event: Romania: 14 April 2022 (details here:

Multiplication event: Hungary, Budapest SZÁMALK-Szalézi Technikum és Szakgimnázium (1119 Budapest, Mérnök utca 39, Room 204) 10 November 2022 (details here: )

Multiplication event: Hungary, Budapest SZÁMALK-Szalézi Technikum és Szakgimnázium (1119 Budapest, Mérnök utca 39. János Pál II. hall) 18 April 2023 (details here: )

Official website of the project:

The website of the digital menu:


  • Digital Menu Card: The Digital Menu Card – developed in 3 languages: English, Hungarian and Slovenian –  is intended to be a methodological toolkit and a repository of VET learning content.

·                Toolkit for developing Digital Pedagogy Strategy: Institutional level intervention started with getting commitment from the management of partner schools. – – SELFIE

  • Manual on the methodology of intervention at the institutional level in order to improve the digital education of vocational schools:  VetWork E-book
  • VETWork Certificates
    After 10 steps of institutional intervention, the VETWork consortium awarded four levels of certificates to teachers who collaborate in the development of digital education, in recognition of their performance.

    ·         Level 1: Digital Innovator – for completing successfully the online course, creating action plan for improving own digital competences, joining to workshops, creating lesson plan, piloting with students and reflecting on the results. – 61 people

    ·         Level 2: Digital Mentor – for fulfilling Level 1 and collaborating in content development (21st century teaching methods, OERs or digital tool(s), leading workshops. – 18 people

    ·         Level 3: Digital Change Agent – for fulfilling Level 2 and representing the school management and supporting the work of mentors, ensuring that the changes were implemented and sustained. – 6 people

    ·         Leadership for Digital Education (issued only in Slovenia): for supporting the learning activities of teachers by high level Project Management Organizational Awareness, monitoring achievement of teaching staff and providing progress reports for deadlines.

    eBook on the methodology of institutional level intervention for improving the digital education in the vocational schools.


·         Prompt-H Ltd. (Coordinator, Hungary) –

·         Hungary Expanzió Consulting Ltd.–

·         Slovenia University of Primorska Faculty of Management –

·         Slovenia Biotechnical Educational Centre Ljubljana –

·         Romania Hungarian Teacher Training Centre –

·         Romania Szent László Roman-Catholic High School –

·         Hungary SZÁMALK-Salesian Post-Secondary Technical School –

Project manager: Helen Hegedüs

Language coordinator: Andrea Kupovits,

Administrator: Angela Revesz,

Financial manager: Adrienn Szarka

·         Hungary Magyar Gyula Vocational School –

·         Slovakia Technical and Business Secondary Vocational School of József Szakkay –


Projekttel kapcsolatos hírek, események, találkozók