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Creative technique

FőoldalCreative technique


Requested by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, our school and the Salesian Institution Maintenance, with the professional support of MOME (University of Art and Design), started a project of developing creativity.

About the project

We would like to implement a pedagogical approach that provides a creative atmosphere for all the stakeholders (maintenance, student, teacher, instructor, manager, parent or other partners otside the school) and helps them experience the positive effects of creative processes on the development of their learning and working abilities.

Creativity has become an important skill that supports the success of learning and working. So its expansion must be part of the whole education process. We believe that becoming better at this, improves the quality of the education, the results of our school and the success of our students.

Target group

Maintenance, students, instructors, managers, parents and other partners outside the school.

The aim of the project

Our goal is to implement changes in education, training and other fields of operation that will help the evolvement of the creativity of students and teachers.


During the first period of the project, based on the criteria compiled by MOME, we map our strengths and weaknesses in the development of creativity.

Relying on the results of the analysis we work out a medium-term action plan to carry out the necessary tasks, so that we can meet the requirements of a creative technical school.


The project is a pilot initiative, our school can try this way and means of development first, contributing to the further improvements and support of other schools.

The Salesian Institution Maintenance considers it especially important to complete the project successfully, so the up-to-date information relating to the events of the project is accessible on their website too.

Information about the project

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